Indian/International Foundation for Vedic Science                                      Platform for Human Transformation - A Project of 

Yoga Darsana Course


Dear Friends,
we are happy to announce a short term course in the Yoga Darsana. You will learn here practical examples, how to use it in life.

In the Yoga Sutras, it is in detal discussed, how the psychic can be modified.

What vrrtis (thought forms) are there and how to use them practicaly?

How can we make the mind stable?

How to move on, at the path of yoga?

And many many more things.

At the same time, there will be a course in the Bhagavad Gita.
We would highly suggest, that you do both courses in combination.
You can use this form, to enter your details to join the course. You will get also access to our study group of the coourses, where you can met other fellow students and discuss matters and question about the course.
The course is on donation basis


Do you want to dive already in the Yoga Darsana? Feel free to explore: