Indian/International Foundation for Vedic Science                                      Platform for Human Transformation - A Project of 

Vedic Culture and Civilization

Vedic Culture and Civilization


There is no dearth of books talking about one or another aspect of Bharatiyas and Bharat. Sometimes books serve to misinform rather than inform. Most of the books create confusion and give an idea as if the various sects in Bharat are conflicting and head-on colliding with each other. As if the various sects originated as an assault upon or revolt against the basic tenets of Vedic culture and civilization. Vedic culture is the most scientific and rational in the world. Its traditions, festivals, and rituals all have a scientific base behind them. Its base is not a religion but dharma dealing with knowledge, ethics and spirituality expressed through symbols, similes and allegories. The present treatise intends to bring forth the true face of Vedic culture and civilization. It tries to give a rational and scientific interpretation of many misunderstood and misinterpreted concepts of Vedic cultural heritage. In this treatise, we shall let our participants know about various features of scientific Vedic culture.

ISBN-10: 9394724036

ISBN-13: 978-9394724037