Projects of Indian/International Foundation for Vedic Science
Naturopathy and Panchkarma centers)
Dhanurveda, the standard work on Vedic military science being lost, the dissertations on the science found in the Mahabharata, the Agni Purana, Akasha Bhairava Tantra, Kautalya Arthasastra, Manusm ti, Matsya Purana, Mahabharata, Manasollasa, Yukti Kalpa Taru, Vishnudharmottara Purana, Viramitrodaya, Samarngana sutradhara, shkraniti, and other small works on Dhanurveda like Aushnas Dhanurveda, Vasistha Dhanurveda, Sadshiva Dhanurveda and NÏti Prakashika are the only source of information on the subject left to us. The present work takes into account all the data available with the present author in fragment form or manuscript form or the published form of various treatises of Dhanurveda, so that a factual and actual picture of military science or the science of warfare in ancient India may be drawn for the modern day readers and researchers. The present work also contains the English Translation of the Vasisha and Sadshiva Dhanurvedas as appendix 1 & 2 . This kindle version is an abridged in a sense that it doesn't contain original Sanskrit text and the illustrations. For illustrations and original Sanskrit text, the readers shall have buy the hard copy version of the Dhanurveda.
ISBN-10: 8187710829
ISBN-13: 978-8187710820
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